What color front door brings me good luck?

According to Eastern feng shui practices, the front door is the most important space in the home. It is the one that the world sees.

It is essentially the way that you enter and leave the home. However, it serves the purpose of setting the tone for visitors.

Feng shui elements can be used to describe how opportunities and different energies are brought into your life.

Feng shui says that certain colors can be painted on your doors to attract luck, growth and joy.

Continue reading to find out about different colors that you can use to paint your doors according to feng-shui.

Feng Shui Front Door Color Ideas

Painting your doors is one of the easiest ways to incorporate Feng Shui into your home.

Below are some colors that you might consider painting your front door in accordance with feng Shui principles.

1. Red – Gets you noticed

Feng shui’s most prominent and frequently used color is red.

It is also believed to be a powerful color, which can transform negative energy and provide protection against it.

It may also be related to fire, which is thought to represent passion, inspiration, warmth.

Red paint can be used to make your front door visible from the street, allowing luck and opportunities to find their way to it.

Red is the area of the Recognition or Li in the energy map for feng-shui.

This bold statement is great for people who want to be noticed.

2. Brown – It’s Supportive

Feng Shui connects earth to brown and other neutral earthy colors.

They help to balance, nurture and stabilize the people who live in the home.

If you want to feel closer with Mother Earth and the stability that comes from her, a brown door might be a good choice.

3. Yellow – It’s Brightening!

Yellow is bright, sunny and fun.

Feng shui also associates yellow with the element of Earth. Earth is a symbol for stability and grounding.

It’s an excellent choice for those who want to bring in more of these items while also making their home appear brighter.

4. Green – Inspires Growth

According to feng Shui, green is associated with the element of wood. This is linked to growth and new beginnings.

Painting your front door green can help you open up new opportunities to grow and expand.

5. Blue – It is Knowledgeable

Blue is related to the element wood in Feng Shui, which encourages growth and new beginnings.

The Gen section on a Feng Shui map is connected to darker shades of blue. They represent self-cultivation as well as knowledge. Dark blue is an excellent choice for those who want to improve their knowledge and skills.

6. White – It’s Joyous

In feng Shui, white is associated with the element of metal. It is representative of purity and cleanliness and the direction of West.

This element and this direction are associated with joy, communication, precision, and joy. Painting your front door white could help you attract more of these qualities into your life.

7. Black – Attracts Positive Vibes

Black is a popular color for feng shui. It attracts, absorbs and pulls in positive energies.

It is linked to the element water, which represents depth and wisdom.

The North direction is also tied to the water element.

This element and the color are believed to connect to your social network. Black is therefore a good choice for people who want to make friends and build relationships.

8. Gray – It’s the Sign of Being Helpful

Gray is a mixture of black and white. It’s also a color representative of the element metal.

It could also invite more of those metal qualities into your life.

It is also associated to the Qian potion for the feng shui mapping.

Qian is all about travel and helping others. Having a gray front door can encourage helpful people to come into your life, or even make it easier for you to travel more.