How Do You Get Hair Dye Out of Wood Laminate?

I get that hair dyes are important for many. It’s a messy product for me.

They are the reason why I never use them, even though friends insist that they be used for my “greys”.

The chemicals in most hair dyes can be used on your hair and hair of your pets.

These must be done in order to not cause hair to become discolored easily.

The bad news is that you could also damage your wooden furniture, cabinets, furniture and laminate floors.

It can be difficult and messy to remove hair dye stains from wood surfaces.

It is a shame, I’m sure.

Here are some tips to help you if you have stained laminate wood furniture, doors or floors with hair dye.

Different Methods to Remove Hair Dye From Wood

It is possible to clean hair dye from wood. However, it can be very easy and safe.

Protective gloves are essential before you begin to try the tried-and-true techniques.

Next, choose the best method from the list below.

Method 1 – SOS Pads

SOS pads (I love the one with lemon) are the easiest way to remove hair dye from wood.

While the soap in the pads can remove the color, the pads may scratch the surface and be abrasive. When using the pads, be careful not to scratch the surface.

You don’t want to rub the wood surface too hard, especially if it has a darker finish.

Before you start to stain the area, be sure to check a small hidden area.

Method 2: Vinegar and Baking Sugar

To make a semi-thick paste, mix a portion of baking soda with a portion of white vinegar in small bowl.

Use a piece or clean cloth to rub the paste on the wood surface.

You can rub the surface up to three times if the dye does not come off in one stroke.

Be careful not to rub too hard on the surface as it could scratch furniture or floors.

Method 3: Baking Soda and Detergent. Water

Two cups of warm water should be placed in a bowl.

You can also add a tablespoonful of baking soda and a tablespoonful of liquid soap or dishwashing shampoo to this mixture.

Combine all three ingredients to form a thick paste.

Use a soft cloth to rub the paste mixture on the affected area.

You can rub the paste 2-3 more times until you see no dye stains.

Method 4: Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide

Some hair dye products can leave stains that are too difficult to remove.

It could be that the hair dye did not adhere to the wood for too long, or that the chemical dye was too strong.

The dye remover that you use in this instance should be strong.

Mix equal amounts of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide in a bowl to form a paste.

Use a dry, clean cloth to rub the paste on the dye stain until it disappears.

TIP: Hydrogen peroxide can be strong and alter the color and gloss of laminate wood.

It is a good idea to test the paste in a small area before you apply it to the stain.

Method 5 – Lemon Juice, Baking Soda

This method is great for getting rid of stubborn dye stains using baking soda.

This method is best if you need to remove new hair dye stains or stains that have just been discovered.

Repeat the process 2-3 times if necessary. If the stain persists, you can try baking soda or lemon juice.

Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and baking soda in a bowl to make a thick paste.

Use a sponge pad or a rag to gently rub the paste onto the stained area. Next, wipe the area with a clean soft cloth.

Spray the area with water, white vinegar, then wipe it clean to get rid of any dyeing agents or residues, such as lemon or baking soda.